
Chad, Africa is a very large and hot place with certain distinctions that best remain unmentioned. It is over twice the size of Texas and temperatures very often exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The people are mostly subsistence farmers and their main crop is millet. The main food eaten is called boule, which is made from millet formed into a paste and eaten with a variety of sauces. Other foods eaten on occasion include rice, noodles, goat meat and crickets. The country is generally a united people, divided into over 120 ethnicities each having their own distinct language. Arabic is the main language of the north while French is the main language of the south. Though Islam represents 53% of the population and nominal Christianity 34%, animism permeates them both.

Chad Facts

Population: over 11 million
President: Idriss Debi Itno
Primary languages: French, Arabic
Languages spoken: Over 125
Religions: Islam, Christianity, animism
Industry: oil, cotton
Major exports: cotton, cattle, gum arabic
TV broadcast stations: 1 🙂
Radio broadcast stations: 11
Internet hosts: 5
Paved highways: 40,000 kilometers
Rapid growth: The current birth rate is over double the death rate.
Average life expectancy: 49 years
Infant mortality rate: 95.2 per 1000 births
Percentage of internet users: 1.5 percent
Literacy rate: 35.7 percent
Literacy ranking out of 215 countries: 210