Showing 7 Result(s)

Chad’s President Killed

News came April 20 of the death of Chad’s president, Idris Deby. He came to power in 1990 and was one of Africa’s longest serving presidents, with more than 30 years in power. This past weekend, several victories were claimed by rebels crossing over from Lybia who were trying to oust Deby for many years. …

Population Boom

Our first couple of years of traveling to our village in Chad were difficult. In 2004, it took up to 9 hours to drive to Mongo, and there was a long distance in the middle of our drive where the road was reduced to tire tracks in the dirt or sand. During a couple of …

The Country Without Internet

Chad makes news by being without internet. The CNN story is a year-old, but it has become a reality again. CNN ran a story last year titled, “The Country Where the Internet has been Shut Down for a Year.” That headline only told part of the story. Social media had been shut down for a …

Toyota Wars

No, this has nothing to do with a sales war between Toyota and other car manufacturers. The Toyota War is the name of a decisive battle that happened in Chad, Africa 3 years before the end of former president Hissène Habré’s rule. Civil war began in Chad in 1978. It was a war that was …

Covid-19, the New Unclean

As of the writing of this blog, there are officially 836 confirmed cases of Covid 19 in Chad with 68 deaths. Small quantities of masks have been made available by the government, with 600 being distributed on June 1st in the town of Mongo where our family once lived. The government imposed a curfew, closed …

Coronavirus in Chad

Coronavirus has impacted the entire world and people’s daily routines have changed drastically. That statement is partially true. The impact of Coronavirus has led to many deaths and great economic upheaval throughout the world, but in Chad, things have not changed much. As of April 22nd, there have been 39 cases reported. The airport closed …

Attacks Continue

With Coronavirus at the forefront of everyone’s minds, little thought is being given to the spread of Islamic extremism in Chad and neighboring countries. On March 24th, Boko Haram attacked a Chadian military post, killing 92 Chadian soldiers. It was the deadliest attack ever by Boko Haram against Chadian military forces. The attack occurred in …